Our Team

Bryce Hotchkiss
Lead Minister
Bryce has been the Lead Minister at South Lake Christian Church since March 2021. He and his wife, Kelsey, have been married since June 2010 and have been blessed with three boys that bring them both so much joy and keep them on the go! Originally from Southwest Florida, the Hotchkiss family is thrilled to have the opportunity to serve in their home state!
Bryce earned both a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry and a Bachelor of Theology in New Testament from Ozark Christian College in 2012. He also earned his Masters in Strategic Leadership through Lincoln Seminary at Ozark Christian College in August 2024. Prior to their return to Florida, Bryce held ministries in Missouri, Kansas, and Indiana. He is also an avid woodworker and Spider-Man fan.

Joel Wood
Worship Director

Chris Coker
Youth Minister
Chris is the newest member of our ministry team. He joined our team as our Youth Minister July 2023. He and his wife Cindy have been married since 2004. They have two teenage sons.
Chris earned his Bachelor of Biblical Literature from Ozark Christian College in 2000. Since 2000, he has been serving in youth/associate ministry. His primary desire is to help students grow to Love God and Love others and to help others invest in the lives of students.
Prior to their family moving to Florida, Chris has had youth ministries in Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, and Iowa. When he isn't with students you can find him watching the Kansas City Chiefs or adding to his vintage hat collection.

Janna Bartoli
Children's Ministry Director
Blessed to have grown up in an amazing family and church, Janna started teaching in her church’s children’s ministry when she was in middle school and has continued to serve ever since. Janna grew up in Clermont and attended Florida Christian College where she graduated with a Christian Education Degree in 2000.
Janna has been married to her best friend, Matthew, since 1999. Together they have six children, five adopted and one biological. In her spare time, Janna enjoys hanging out with her donkeys and chickens, playing the piano, reading and playing games around the dinner table with friends and family.

Olivia Padgett
Office Manager &
Home Education Director
Olivia is our Office Manager. She and her husband Rob (22 years), along with their 6 children have been members of SLCC since 2013.
She has been in her position as the office manager since 2019. Olivia loves Jesus, her family, fitness, paddle boarding and homeschooling. When she’s not taking care of the church business or serving as the director of Axis, our church’s thriving homeschool group & co-op, you can probably find her at the beach.

David Wood

Ed Hendershot

Jim Turner

Bill Eaton

Dan Slusher

Bruce Kregloe

David Vanderra